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AOGCC Carbon Capture Class VI Program

Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Program

Interested vendors can refer to the State of Alaska procurement website and RFI 240000002 at this link for more information. Vendors are encouraged to enroll in the State’s procurement process to be notified of additional and follow up opportunities to work with AOGCC.

UIC Class VI Primacy Grant from EPA

AOGCC has submitted a Letter of Intent back to EPA notifying them that we are interested in applying for the Class VI grant from EPA when that grant opportunity becomes available later in 2023. The grant would be to assist the AOGCC in pursuing primacy for the Class VI program. Information about Alaska’s Class VI wells and program is also available from the EPA Class VI website and from EPA Region 10.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces State and Tribal Allocations for $48 Million Grant.

Environmental Justice

Wells used for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide.