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DOLWD Resources for Small Business Owners

  1. Workforce Development & Training (Division of Employment and Training Services, DETS)
  2. Vocational Rehabilitation (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, DVR)
  3. Workplace Health and Safety (Division of Labor Standards and Safety, LSS)
    • LSS Information for DCCED
      1. AKOSH
      2. AKOSH (Consultation and Training)
      3. Mechanical Inspection
    • Wage and Hour
      1. Minimum Wage & Overtime.
      2. Paychecks for terminated employees.
      3. Child Labor Permits.
  4. Injured Workers (Division of Workers Compensation, WC)

Have Questions?
Contact the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development at 907-465-2700
Division of Employment and Training Services: Juneau, 907-465-4562
Email Acting Commissioner Cathy Muñoz at