Planning & Land Management Resources This webpage provides links to DCRA programs and resources that address community and regional planning, land management, and natural hazard resilience. See also, State and Federal Programs Section. Alaska Climate Change Impact Mitigation Program - Hazard Impact Assessments and Community Planning Grants to mitigate climate change impacts. Alaska Community Coastal Protection Project - A project that focuses on increasing natural hazard resilience in Kivalina, Shaktoolok and Shishmaref. Alaska Risk MAP Program - Mapping, assessment, and planning for natural hazard risk reduction. Community Coastal Impact Assistance Program - CIAP awards to named municipalities and for projects selected under a public solicitation. Community Profile Maps - Maps for most of the state's small communities. Floodplain Management - Resources for communities on flood risk reduction and National Flood Insurance Program. Interactive Mapping - A viewing tool for ortho-rectified imagery from DCRA's mapping projects. Municipal Land Trustee Program - The MLT program carries out the State's trust responsibilities for unincorporated villages. Planning and Land Management Publications - Our current publications in pdf format. Community Plans Library - A database of community and regional plans. Who's Planning Alaska - An overview of planning being done by state and federal agencies. For more information about DCRA's Planning & Land Management resources contact: Sally Russell Cox Local Government Specialist 5 / State and Federal Programs Section Division of Community and Regional Affairs Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1640 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: (907) 269-4588 Fax: (907) 269-4539 Updated 12/19/2023