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Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program

State Grant Funds for Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grantees

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The Alaska SBIR/STTR Program is now accepting applications for FY25 funding.


The State of Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program is designed to award grant funds to for-profit, Alaska-based businesses that have been awarded a Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I or Phase II grant. Federal SBIR and STTR grants ( are competitive federal grant programs that provide funding opportunities to startups and small businesses to foster innovation, meet federal research and development (R&D) needs, and increase commercialization of research.

The Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program was created to provide Alaskan small businesses with an active or recently completed federal SBIR or STTR award with additional state resources to further the advancement and commercialization of their innovative technologies developed with federal funding. These grant funds are to be used for new and additional work tasks that are complementary to existing Federal SBIR/STTR Phase I or Phase II Awards.

This program is utilizing state funds appropriated by the Alaska State Legislature to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development in FY2025. Anticipated start date for awards is as soon as possible after an award determination is made.

Program Objectives

  • Increase the number of applications for Federal research dollars submitted by Alaskan small businesses to encourage the growth of high-quality advanced technology companies in the state.
  • Strengthen Alaskan small businesses’ federal Phase I project research and commercialization plans to help companies become more competitive for federal Phase II funds.
  • Provide bridge funding for federal Phase II applicants to help Alaska small businesses maintain project progress post-Phase I award completion while they wait for award notice on their Phase II application.
  • Augment federal funds for Phase II projects to help Alaska small businesses improve business development efforts leading to product commercialization.

Program Administration

The Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program is administered by the Commissioner’s Office in the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED). Applications will be reviewed by Department staff and awarded based upon established evaluation criteria.

Funding Available

The Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program will provide state grant funding to businesses with an active federal SBIR/STTR award or to businesses seeking bridge funding to maintain progress between federal award phases. The total amount of funding appropriated for this program in FY2025 is $125,000.

The Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program provides awardees with state grant funding based on their federal award phase. Successful applicants in Phase I of their federal award, including applicants seeking bridge funding, will be awarded up to $25,000. Successful applicants in Phase II of their federal award will be awarded an initial award of up to $25,000, and may be eligible for a supplemental award of up to $75,000 (for a maximum total award of up to $100,000, inclusive of the initial award) if program funding remains after the application deadline. The Department will accept and review applications on a rolling basis throughout the application period. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, May 9, 2025, at 5:00 pm Alaska time.

Supplemental awards for federal Phase II grantees: Once the application period closes and all initial awards have been made, the Department will evaluate existing awards to grantees in Phase II of their federal award and may supplement awards by up to $75,000 (for a maximum total award of up to $100,000, inclusive of the initial award), dependent on the total amount of remaining funding. An awardees’ federal Phase II award must still be active at the May 9 application period close in order to be eligible for supplemental award. Phase II awardees will be asked at that time to provide a budget explanation for the activities proposed to be undertaken with additional funding. The amount of additional funding available will depend on the number of initial awards made and the number of grantees that have indicated interest in a supplemental award. Re-application will not be required. Requests for supplemental awards will be reviewed based upon the established evaluation criteria, and award of any additional funds will be executed through a grant amendment.

Eligibility Information

Eligible Applicants must:

  • Either:
    • Have an active SBIR/STTR Phase I or Phase II award from a participating federal agency with a minimum of three (3) months remaining on award term at the time of application for a state grant.
    • or
    • Have completed a federal Phase I grant within the last six (6) months and have already submitted a federal Phase II application but not yet received a response. Applicants seeking this "bridge funding" must demonstrate a need for funding in order to maintain progress during the gap of time between federal Phase I and Phase II awards.
  • Be based in Alaska (defined as principal place of business in Alaska).
  • Certify that at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the activities conducted under this grant will be performed in Alaska.
  • Remain an Alaska-based business for the duration of the SBIR/STTR project and through state grant closeout.
  • Have a valid Unique Entity ID (UEI) issued by
  • Have an active Registration. Proof provided must show that the business or business owner is not debarred from participation in a grant program by any Federal department or agency.
  • Have an active Alaska business license.
  • Be in good standing with the Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing.

Applicants that do not meet these criteria are ineligible. Proof of eligibility is required at the time the application is submitted.

Award Limitations

  • A business may receive only one (1) award under this program per state fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
  • A business may receive only one (1) award under this program for bridge funding per Federal Funding Agreement.
  • A business may receive a maximum of two (2) awards under this program per Federal Funding Agreement. Note that priority will be given to businesses applying for their first state award per Federal Funding Agreement over businesses applying for their second. Prior-year grant funding must be fully expended before submitting an application for a second state award. Bridge funding awarded to businesses between their federal Phase I and Phase II application notification is considered under the business's Phase I Federal Funding Agreement for purposes of this limitation.
  • A business may receive a maximum of five (5) awards under this program over lifetime of the business.

Eligible Use of Funds

A State of Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant can be used to supplement either a Phase I or Phase II Grant from a federal agency, or to provide bridge funding to help a recipient maintain progress between Phase I and Phase II awards. State grant funds must be fully expended by March 31 of the state fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded (for example, a grant awarded in FY25 must be expended by March 31, 2026).

Allowable costs are those related directly to achieving the SBIR/STTR proposal objectives for which a Federal Phase I or Phase II Award has been received. Grant funds may be used for costs not covered by federal SBIR/STTR awards including but not limited to market research, product testing and validation, intellectual property assessment and patent filing, business development activities, commercialization plan preparation, additional technical work, reasonable travel related to the project, and other costs including rent, accounting, legal fees and costs, or purchase of equipment. State grant funding awarded to a business for a federal Phase I project or bridge funding may not be used for equipment purchases (supplies over $5,000 are defined as equipment). Grant funds may be used for salaries/wages only when the employee activity directly supports the SBIR/STTR project. No more than ten percent (10%) of the state grant may be used for administrative expenses.

Applicants will be required to include in their application a proposed budget for how State grant funds will be used. Proposed budget should total to no more than $25,000, which is the highest award available for a Phase I project or bridge funding and the initial award amount available for a Phase II project.

Application Process

The Department will accept and review applications on a rolling basis throughout the application period. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, May 9, 2025, at 5:00 pm Alaska time. The application can be accessed by clicking the link below.

FY2025 Alaska SBIR/STTR Application

ATTENTION: You MUST download the PDF Application to your computer BEFORE you begin filling it in to save your information. Application is a fillable PDF form. If additional space is necessary, include full response in a separate attachment and indicate this in form field.

Completed applications can be submitted to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development at DCCED is not responsible for applications or materials lost or delayed in transmission.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications submitted to the Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be evaluated based on stated eligibility requirements and the applicant’s ability to provide documentation and evidence that meet the requirements. Additionally, projects will be evaluated based on the amount of federal funding leveraged; potential to use state grant award as match to leverage additional federal funding; proposed use of state funding and significance of additional funding to the SBIR/STTR project; and alignment of project topic with issues of economic importance in Alaska, including priorities listed in state and/or regional economic development plan(s), business sector needs, and strategic university and industry research areas. Awards will be made until funding for the program is exhausted.

Funds Disbursement

Funding will be distributed through a reimbursable grant agreement with DCCED. DCCED will reimburse the awardee for work performed and/or costs incurred by the business up to the total amount specified in the grant. Only submitted costs determined to be allowable will be reimbursed, and grant funds may be used only for the payment of expenses that have not been claimed or paid by other forms of assistance, including the federal grant. Grantees will request payment electronically using a template provided by the Department. Grantees must submit acceptable documentation to support the expenditures identified in the reimbursement request, and a brief explanation of how the expense furthered the activities outlined in the Scope of Work.

Project Reporting

Grantee shall provide the Department with regular financial and progress reports using a template provided. Grantee shall also provide a copy of any Federal progress reports submitted during the active State grant award.

Release of Information

All documents submitted to DCCED, including applications, are public records governed by the Alaska Public Records Act, AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.295. Information disclosed to DCCED that is claimed as confidential or proprietary may be exempt from production under the Alaska Public Records Act. If you wish to have information treated as confidential, you must identify the information and mark it as confidential. All applicants should review the Alaska Public Records Act to determine what information may be exempt from disclosure.

For more information about the Alaska SBIR/STTR Grant Program contact:

Laura Vaught
Commissioner’s Office
Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
Phone: (907) 269-7387