Business Licensing Changes to Business Licenses FAQs 1. I made a mistake on my NEW Alaska Business License. What changes will Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations permit after my business license has been issued? As a result of new business licensing law AS 43.70.030(e)-(f), effective 10/29/2014, there are a few small non-substantive changes permitted within 30 calendar days after a NEW business license has been issued. Examples of allowable (non-substantive) and NOT allowable (substantive) changes: NON-SUBSTANTIVE: examples of allowable changes to correct a non-substantive error: Change of address; Information erroneously placed in the wrong part of a license application by the applicant; For example: Owner first and last name reversed Error in entry by applicant including spelling error, identification of trade, service, profession or activity. For example: correcting a small typographical error: Juneau SUBSTANTIVE: examples of substantive changes not allowed: Change in the name of the business [per 12 AAC 12.050(a)(1)]; For example: you cannot change essential words such as “shop” to “boutique”. Change in the name(s) of the business owner(s) [per 12 AAC 12.050(a)(2)]. For example: you cannot change essential words in a name such as “John” to “James”. For additional information go to: Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations. Are you still within 30 (calendar) days after your new business license was issued? IF it is within 30 days after a new business license was issued AND the change is to correct a non-substantive error (see above for examples) AND is not considered a substantive change (see above for examples) AND the change being requested does not conflict with 12 AAC 12.050 THEN you may submit Business License: 30-Day Allowable Change to this office to request a new business license number and new certificate. Online filing is not available for this form. Note: as a result, the initial business license number with the errors will be inactivated and business activity under that business license number must cease. IMPORTANT — Extremely Time Sensitive: A request for an allowable change, to correct an error which is non-substantive, within the first 30 days after a new business license was issued must be received and date stamped in this office within exactly 30 calendar days after the new business license was issued for this request to be considered. Standard processing time from March-September is 10-15 business days. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October-February, the processing time will be delayed. IMPORTANT — Potential business impact: You are strongly encouraged to research and consider any business impact prior to requesting a change. (For example: your professional license, if applicable, with this division; banking; insurance; and your business registration with other agencies such as local government, municipalities, Federal government, IRS, etc.). If you require further assistance, you are advised to seek the services of an attorney or other qualified professionals (i.e. CPA). Has it been more than 30 (calendar) days since your new business license was issued? IF it has been more than 30 days since the new business license was issued THEN the only the changes allowable are under 12 AAC 12.050, such as: Business License: Address Change; Business License: Change of NAICS Code(s); or Business License: Owner’s LEGAL Name Change. Any change not permitted by statutes or regulations will require the purchase of a new business license. Apply online at New Alaska Business License; Submit a paper New Alaska Business License application. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. NOTE: changes to your business license may require you to notify the other sections of this division Email Corporations Section: Corporations@Alaska.Gov Email Professional Licensing Section: License@Alaska.Gov and other agencies, based on your business needs, such as: other state agencies, local government, municipalities, Federal government, IRS, banks, insurance, etc. 2. How can I change the physical and/or mailing addresses on my business license in-between renewals? Submit Business License: Address Change to this office. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. After your request has been processed and filed for record you may print a copy of your updated business license for free from the web. If you would like the department to print and mail you a copy of your updated business license certificate please submit Business License: Certificate Copy Request along with the appropriate filing fee. Online filing is not available for this form. NOTE: changes to your business license may require you to notify the other sections of this division Corporations Section: go to Entity Address Change Email Professional Licensing Section: License@Alaska.Gov and other agencies, based on your business needs, such as: other state agencies, local government, municipalities, Federal government, IRS, banks, insurance, etc. 3. How do I change my primary and/or secondary NAICS code(s) on my business license in-between renewals? Per Business Licensing Statutes AS 43.70.020(f) a business license may cover multiple lines of business. Per AS 43.70.020(a)(2) only the primary and secondary lines of business are required to be provided to this office. Lines of businesses and business activities are identified by Alaska NAICS Codes. To change the primary and/or secondary NAICS Codes on your business license submit Business License: Change of NAICS Code(s) to this office. Online filing is not available for this form. IMPORTANT: IF any business activity requires a professional license (based on the NAICS Code), then these activities must be listed as the primary and/or secondary lines of business. The current professional license number associated with each NAICS Code must be provided. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. After your request has been processed and filed for record you may print a copy of your updated business license for free from the web. If you would like the department to print and mail you a copy of your updated business license certificate please submit Request for Duplicate Business License along with the appropriate filing fee. Online filing is not available for this form. NOTE: changes to your business license may require you to notify the other sections of this division Email Corporations Section: Corporations@Alaska.Gov Email Professional Licensing Section: License@Alaska.Gov and other agencies, based on your business needs, such as: other state agencies, local government, municipalities, Federal government, IRS, banks, insurance, etc. 4. Will Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations permit a change in an Endorsement on a business license? No, a new endorsement will be required. A separate endorsement is required for each physical location where products requiring an endorsement will be sold. An endorsement cannot stand on its own: it must be attached to a current business license. An endorsement will expire on the same date as the business license to which it is attached. To add a new endorsement on an existing business license, submit Business License: NEW Endorsement(s) (Form 08-4730) to this office along with the appropriate fees. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. For more information, go to: Endorsement FAQs 5. How can the owner’s LEGAL name on a business license be changed? A legal name change means there has been a LEGAL change in the name of the business owner due to a LEGAL event and the ownership has not changed, such as: Marriage; Divorce; Court approved legal name change; The owner is an entity and the entity has amended (legally changed) the entity’s name on record with the Corporations Section. Submit Business License: Owner’s LEGAL Name Change (Form 08-4104) to this office along with the appropriate fees. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. NOTE: changes to your business license may require you to notify the other sections of this division Email Corporations Section: Corporations@Alaska.Gov Email Professional Licensing Section: License@Alaska.Gov and other agencies, based on your business needs, such as: other state agencies, local government, municipalities, Federal government, IRS, banks, insurance, etc. 6. Will Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations permit a change in ownership of my business license? No, per 12 AAC 12.050(a)(2) a change in ownership of a business requires a new business license. To purchase a new business license: Apply online at NEW Alaska Business License; or Submit by fax or mail a paper NEW Business License application. If, as a result of the change, you no longer need your previous business license then you may submit Business License: Request to Cancel or Inactivate to this office. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. 7. Will Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations permit a change in the business name (DBA) on a current business license? A change in the business name (DBA) requires a new business license, per 12 AAC 12.050(a)(1), unless: The change is limited to the addition or removal of a professional title of the business owner used in the name of the business; The change is limited to the addition or removal of a word describing the legal form of the organization of the business and the ownership has not changed (for example when an INC converts to an LLC); or To purchase a new business license: Apply online at NEW Alaska Business License; or Submit by fax or mail a paper NEW Business License application. If, as a result of the change, you no longer need your previous business license then you may submit Business License: Request to Cancel or Inactivate to this office. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. 8. What if I need a business license change not provided in statutes or regulations? Any change not permitted by statutes or regulations will require the purchase of a new business license. Apply online at New Alaska Business License; Submit a paper New Alaska Business License application. If, as a result of the change, you no longer need your previous business license then you may submit Business License: Request to Cancel or Inactivate to this office. Online filing is not available for this form. Standard processing time for hardcopy applications is 10–15 business days between March–September. During heavy business licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. This Division does not provide legal advice. The information contained within these webpages is provided for your convenience and is not to be interpreted as legal advice. It is your responsibility to know what your registering, reporting and filing requirements are based on your specific business activities. Not knowing what is expected of you may not preclude you from the legal obligation to meet these requirements and compliance with the law. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a professional, such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and/or Attorney if you need additional assistance. Contact Us When contacting this office, please direct your questions to the appropriate Section: Corporations, Professional Licensing, or Business Licensing. Each Section specializes in its own requirements per Alaska statutes and regulations. Professional Licensing Section Email: License@Alaska.Gov Corporations Section Email: Corporations@Alaska.Gov Business Licensing Section Email: BusinessLicense@Alaska.Gov