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Board of Marine Pilots

The Board of Marine Pilots is staffed by the Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing. A representative for the Commissioner of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development also serves on the Board. Board members, except the Commissioner's representative, are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature.

The Board adopts regulations to carry out its mission to provide efficient and competent pilotage service for the protection of shipping, the safety of human life and property, and the protection of the marine environment. It makes final licensing decisions and takes disciplinary action against people who violate the licensing laws. The Board meets three times a year and offers a public comment period at each meeting. Meeting agendas are available from the Marine Pilot Coordinator.

Licensees must also obtain an Alaska Business License.

Timing for Physical Exam Requirements for Renewal

Per AS 08.62.120(a)(3), you must provide evidence of satisfactory completion of a physical examination by a licensed physician within 60 days before the date of renewal of the license. However, per the division’s centralized regulation 12 AAC 02.940, the effective date of your renewal will be the date a completed renewal application is filed with our division; the file date is the date either submitted online through MY LICENSE or the postmark date on a mailed in application. This means that as long as your renewal application is submitted (or mailed in) within 60 days of your physical examination and you ensure your renewal application is complete at the time of submittal, you will meet the physical exam requirements.

If you have any questions on the pending regulation changes, please view the Proposed Regulations FAQs.

If you have any additional questions, please utilize the CBPL Contact Form.

Regulated Professions

  • Deputy Marine Pilot
  • Marine Pilot
  • Vessel Agent

Recommended Reading: 10 steps to becoming a State of Alaska Licensed Marine Pilot.

Sealife Awareness

Board of Marine Pilots Listserv Now Available!

Subscribe to the Alaska Board of Marine Pilots electronic mailing list and receive:

  • Meeting Notifications
  • Board Meeting Agendas
  • Notice of Proposed Changes to Regulations

You may cancel your subscription at any time. You are subscribing to a group email for informal communications.

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Contact Information

Thomas Bay, Marine Pilot Coordinator
Phone: (907) 465-2543
Email: BoardOfMarinePilots@Alaska.Gov
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806